Physical Education & Sport
At Te Ara Koropiko we aim to provide our tamariki (children) with opportunities to learn about our triple A's values Attitude, Achievement and Adventure through play, teaching programmes and competition.
The kura (school) is well resourced with an adventure playground and two pools that were built with community support. There is also a bike track, dodgeball pit, sandpit, a basketball court and generous open field spaces.
Our kaiako (teachers) focus their teaching programmes on learning in, through and about movement. All ākonga (learners) are provided with a wide range of movement experiences that cater to their skill level, abilities and needs. Learning also incorporates opportunities to develop positive social skills, such as: building positive relationships, communication, leadership, negotiation and compromise. We provide a PE programme that is inclusive and relevant to our tamariki, their cultures and our community.
Tamariki that enjoy the competitive and performance aspect of sports are given the chance to participate in a range of team and individual sports each term. These include, school sports events, school sport teams, Zones and Canterbury wide competitions.

Out of School Sport
At Te Ara Koropiko West Spreydon School, we provide a range of opportunities for students to participate in after-school sports.
Term 1
● Touch Rugby - Thursday Afternoons - Centennial Park - Open to all ages
● Miniball (modified basketball) - Wednesdays between 3:30pm-7:30pm - Pioneer Stadium - Year 3-4
● Summer Cricket (venue and timings TBC)
Term 2-3
● Winter Netball (through Suburbs Club) - Thursday/Friday Afternoons - Nga Puna Wai Indoor Venue - Year 3-6
● Basketball - Wednesdays between 3:30pm-7:30pm - Pioneer Stadium - Year 5-6
Term 4
● Touch Rugby - Thursday Afternoons - Centennial Park - Open to all ages
● Miniball (modified basketball) - Wednesdays between 3:30pm-7:30pm - Pioneer Stadium - Year 3-4
● Summer Cricket (venue and timings TBC)